Máster Universitario en Dirección de Procesos Estratégicos

Máster Universitario en BPM para la Transformación Digital

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

Open the new edition of WfMC Awards for Excellence in BPM and Workflow.

Since 1996, the prestigious annual Global Awards for Excellence in BPM and Workflow have been highly coveted by organizations that seek recognition for their achievements. Now, any company with a case study about a BPM implementation at their company or their customer's company, can send a brief abstract (free), and they will give them quick feedback on whether they should enter the awards. Submissions are open to entrants worldwide. Vendors /consultants may nominate a customer and any company may nominate and submit their own case study. You may submit more than one entry.

Now, it is required a 250-word abstract that answers these three questions: 
  1. Who (by roles within the organization) are the users of the system?
  2. What area(s) of the business does the implementation affect?
  3. Why should this submission be considered a successful case study?

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