ResearchandMarkets in the study "Process Analytics Market by Process Mining Type (Process Discovery, Process Conformance & Process Enhancement) - Global Forecast to 2023", explains that the global process analytics market size is expected to grow from USD 185.3 million in 2018 to USD 1,421.7 million by 2023, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 50.3% during the forecast period.
El analista ResearchandMarkets estima en su estudio "Process Analytics Market by Process Mining Type (Process Discovery, Process Conformance & Process Enhancement) - Global Forecast to 2023", que el tamaño del mercado de análisis global de procesos (Process Analytics) crezca de USD 185,3 millones en 2018 a USD 1,421.7 millones para 2023, a una Tasa de crecimiento anual compuesta (CAGR- Compound Annual Growth Rate) de 50,3% durante el período de pronóstico.
Europe is the largest contributor to the process analytics market, due to the widespread acceptance of innovations and the upcoming analytics technology among the large numbers of vendors operating in the region. Germany and the Netherlands are the top countries contributing to the process analytics market in Europe, as the picture shows:
Europa es el mayor contribuyente al mercado de analítica de procesos, debido a la amplia aceptación de innovaciones y la próxima tecnología de análisis entre la gran cantidad de proveedores que operan en la región. Alemania y los Países Bajos son los principales países que contribuyen al mercado de analítica de procesos en Europa, como se muestra en la figura:
Below is an arranged alphabetically list of Process Mining solution providers in the market (in the figure they are shown by the countries of origin):
A continuación, se ofrece una lista de proveedores de soluciones Process Mining en el mercado, ordenados alfabéticamente (en la figura se muestran por los países de origen):
- Celonis
- Cognitive Technology
- Exeura
- Fluxicon
- Fujitsu
- Hyland
- Icaro Tech
- Kofax
- Lana Labs
- Logpickr
- Mehrwerk
- Minit
- Monkey Mining
- Process Analytics Factory
- Process Mining Group
- ProcessGold
- Puzzle Data
- QPR Software
- Scheer
- Signavio
- Software AG
- StereoLOGIC
- TimelinePI
- Worksoft