Máster Universitario en Dirección de Procesos Estratégicos

Máster Universitario en BPM para la Transformación Digital

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

BOC Group anuncia el lanzamiento de ADONIS NP 8.0

BOC Group acaba de anunciar el lanzamiento de una nueva versión de su solución Business Process Analysis (BPA) ADONIS NP 8.0 que indican que incluye un un diseño novedoso y mejoras de usabilidad sobresalientes. Con un enfoque centrado en la usabilidad, además de fortalecer y mejorar el valor para los usuarios, la versión 8.0 trae una colección de nuevas características, como las nuevas posibilidades de arrastrar y soltar, la página de inicio renovada, el acceso rápido a modelos recientes y favoritos, entre otros, que harán el trabajo con Adonis sea incomparablemente más fácil y más eficiente, al tiempo que ha dado a la interfaz un lavado de cara.

La suite profesional e intuitiva y totalmente basada en web, ADONIS NP, le apoya en el diseño, análisis y optimización de sus procesos de negocio, permitiendo crear la transparencia necesaria para transformar negocio y TI, lo que sin duda le asegurará una posición privilegiada en la era de la digitalización. Además, permite que su organización y sus procesos se desarrollen a su máximo potencial gracias a las potentes capacidades de documentación, evaluación y análisis, ofreciendo verdadero soporte al Análisis de Procesos Empresariales.

ADONIS NP 8.0 fue diseñado en torno a tres principios básicos: claridad, consistencia y eficiencia, y estos fundamentos guiaron cada decisión a lo largo del proceso de actualización. El enfoque de BOC Group con esta versión fue crear una experiencia más simplificada e intuitiva, manteniendo la funcionalidad potente y robusta en la que sus usuarios han confiado siempre. Por esa razón, han trabajado en ordenar elementos y menús a nivel visual, y también han continuado fortaleciendo el soporte para acciones de arrastrar y soltar en toda la aplicación. De este modo, se ha transformado la forma en que los usuarios interactúan con ADONIS NP, haciéndolo más práctico e intuitivo. BOC Group está orgulloso de ofrecer una interfaz de usuario moderna, elegante  y con una navegación fácil.  Además de las capacidades mencionadas anteriormente, el nuevo ADONIS NP 8.0 presenta una gran cantidad de otras características valiosas, como las mejoras de la integración con Management Office (MOI), que permite una colaboración e intercambio aún más fluidos entre ADONIS y su suite de Arquitectura Empresarial ADOIT, ayudando a garantizar una optimización empresarial sostenible. 

En la  sección "Novedades de ADONIS NP" de su web se puede ver con mayor detalle todas las innovaciones notables de esta nueva versión.

Fuente: Nota de Prensa de BOC Group

jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2019

24 Septiembre: 17:30 CEST Webinar: Buenas prácticas para la automatización de procesos

El 24 de septiembre participo en el Webinar organizado por Bonitasoft: "Buenas prácticas para la automatización de procesos" junto con Delphine Coille, Evangelist, Community Manager de Bonitasoft.

Este webinar es el primero de una serie de webinars que Bonitasoft quiere ofrecer mensualmente para ofrecer conocimiento basado en las experiencias exitosas y de los fracasos.

Concretamente en este primero, vamos a incidir  en cómo debería abordarse cualquier proyecto de automatización de procesos, explicando nuestras lecciones aprendidas mediante ejemplos de nuestra experiencia en casos reales. ¡Qué mejor aprendizaje de fracasos y éxitos! Por lo que, ofreceremos para finalizar sugerencias de buenas prácticas, y también solicitaremos a los asistentes que expliquen sus propias experiencias o pregunten sus dudas.

¡Te esperamos!

INSCRÍBETE en   https://bit.ly/2lZjDgt

miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2019

MEGA International Launches HOPEX Integrated Risk Management Solution

MEGA International has announced the launch of its HOPEX Integrated Risk Management solution offering a comprehensive platform enabling organizations to implement an efficient and effective risk-aware culture through an integrated approach by gathering IT assets, business processes, and risk data into a single repository for a complete view of existing risks.

MEGA’s Integrated Risk Management solution provides an integrated view of risks, controls, incidents, compliance, and audit with business operations, so that risk is treated as a whole and not in silos.

“In today’s digital era, a siloed approach to managing risks, without a comprehensive view of risks, business, and IT assets, is no longer effective,” remarked Lucio de Risi, CEO of MEGA. “With continuous business and regulatory changes, companies are challenged with needing to quickly and comprehensively assess the impact on risks and operations due to these changes.”

Thanks to HOPEX’s single platform that encompasses risks, processes, and IT assets, risk and compliance management is centralized, enabling companies to move from a check-the-box compliance approach to a risk-aware culture.

HOPEX Integrated Risk Management enables the alignment of risk types with business processes, IT systems, and centralized control systems. As a result, organizations can manage their risk more efficiently, economically, and holistically by managing all dimensions of governance, risk, and compliance from strategy and business modeling to IT systems analysis and data modeling.

“Our risk management solution has the ability to provide organizations with more detailed and reliable information about a company’s risk exposure,” noted Ludovic Relandeau, Senior Vice President and Global Head of Products for MEGA“These improved estimations of potential risks will help business leaders and executives make better informed business decisions about corporate priorities to help reduce the company’s exposure to risk and possible liabilities.”

MEGA’s HOPEX Integrated Risk Management solution includes:
  • An integrated view of risks, controls, incidents, compliance, and audit so that risk is treated as a whole, rather than in silos.
  • Ability to efficiently identify risks in a structured risk library and assess them based on their impact and likelihood. For faster increased productivity, risk assessments are performed through automated assessment campaigns.
  • An aggregated view of risks, controls, incidents, compliance, and audit with business operations, including IT assets and business processes. This provides a clear picture of how these items are tied to business and IT portfolios and the impact on each due to regulatory changes or new business needs.
  • Embedded features to increase the efficiency of risk management efforts including: assessment templates to quickly assess risks and controls; integrated information on risks, controls, incidents, and regulatory requirements; a personalized to-do list to manage daily activities in an efficient manner; multiple widgets to build custom dashboards and monitor key indicators; and action plans, collaborative workflows, and social features to enhance risk mitigation efforts.

Through a single shared collaborative platform, HOPEX Integrated Risk Management creates a synergistic environment to support all stakeholders involved in managing risk. With a completely redesigned user experience, the solution offers a smooth and seamless design that’s simple to navigate.

Source: Mega's Press Release

sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2019

What BPM events can we attend in October? ¿A qué eventos de BPM podemos asistir en Octubre?

You can pay your attention to all BPM events in my BPM calendar (here) whenever you want. But I publish the list of  events in the current month the first week of every month for you as a post in my blog.

Presta atención a todos los eventos BPM en mi calendario BPM (aquí) siempre que lo desees. Pero  publico la lista de eventos del mes actual la primera semana de cada mes como una publicación en mi blog.

In October / En octubre:

  • Webinar: Transforming EA from a “nice to have” to a “must have” at CSL Behring (BiZZdesign) https://bit.ly/2l9BhOw
  • Webinar: Caso de éxito: Zurich automatiza sus procesos críticos de Negocio con RPA (Helpsystems) https://bit.ly/2lIvNu6
  • Webinar: Does Your Enterprise Architecture Practice Amount to Anything More Than “Noise”? (The Open Group) http://bit.ly/2pTk9OR
  • Webinar: The Mid-Market RPA Journey: Empowering Your Employees Through RPA Adoption (IRPAAI - HelpSystems) https://bit.ly/2kVBgxj
  • Webinar: Streamlining Financial Services Enterprise Architecture with BIAN (Avolution) https://bit.ly/2MbLFPg
  • Book Release: Real-Life BPMN and Microservices https://bit.ly/2nwMo4H
  • Webinar: Cómo Calcular el Retorno de la Inversión de Business Process Management (TechnoWebinar) https://bit.ly/2NEbjhF (Imparte Pedro Robledo)


Don't forget to visit all BPM events in my BPM calendar (here) to be updated about what is the next event!

¡No olvides visitar todos los eventos BPM en mi calendario (aquí) para estar actualizado sobe cuál es el siguiente evento!

NEW BOOK: The hugely popular book Real-Life BPMN by Camunda has been updated

The co-founders of Camunda, an open source software company reinventing workflow automation, today released an updated, fourth English edition of Real-Life BPMN at the preeminent annual user conference CamundaCon. The hugely popular handbook enables developers, architects, business analysts and business process owners to learn about and implement the global Business Process Model and Notation standard.

Real-Life BPMN, written by Camunda Co-Founders Bernd Rücker and Jakob Freund, is based on the ISO BPMN 2.0 standard that they helped create. Published in English, German and Spanish, it has sold more than 35,000 copies worldwide to date. 

The fourth edition was sparked by the rising popularity of microservice architectures – slicing functionality into smaller pieces which can be developed and maintained autonomously. A 2018 Camunda Survey revealed 63% of companies had already adopted microservice architectures and the updated handbook addresses how splitting business logic into microservices affects business processes and BPMN models.  

Co-Author of the book, Bernd Rücker, Co-Founder and Chief Technologist, Camunda, says: “I think our book has been so popular because it equips anyone who’s interested in using BPMN with easy-to-follow guidance and best practices, especially in the context of workflow automation endeavours. In fact, in this latest edition, we’ve introduced guidelines to avoid creating BPMN monoliths that conflict with microservices architectures. This is particularly important as companies are modernizing their IT architectures, moving to the cloud and striving to respond to the ever increasing business demand for more software applications.” 

Real-Life BPMN – available now – has been praised for making the complex topic of workflow modelling accessible, with its clear structure, easy-to-follow examples and a genuine sense of humour often lost in technical publications. 

To learn more, join Jakob Freund and Bernd Rücker in a webinar on October 16th, where they’ll explain the latest Real-Life BPMN updates and best practices. 

 SOURCE: Camunda's Press Release

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019

BP Logix is Acquired by Finrock Growth Partners to Help Leverage High Growth Opportunities in a Market Projected to Cross $20 billion by 2020

BP Logix, provider of Low-Code BPM solutions for rapid digital application development, has announced that the company has been acquired by Finrock Growth Partners (Finrock), a private equity firm that acquires and operates businesses in the software sector. The acquisition expands BP Logix’s commitment to helping its clients accelerate the automation of their mission critical business processes.
The acquisition comes after more than two decades of BP Logix growth delivering high levels of product innovation and successful customer relationships. “BP Logix is experiencing exponential growth and we are delighted to provide our capital and operating expertise to help scale the business from a long-term perspective,” said Girish Pashilkar, managing partner at Finrock Growth Partners. “Their flagship Process Director platform is already highly regarded by customers and industry analysts. Our aim is to help BP Logix extend its leadership position while creating more industry-specific solutions.
Finrock has appointed Girish Pashilkar, a seasoned executive with over 20 years’ experience in growing software and recurring service businesses, as the company’s new CEO.  BP Logix co-founders Jay O’Brien and Joby O’Brien will continue on in key executive roles within the company and focus on enhancing the product and the technology platform.
Until recently, Girish was the CEO of Workplace Answers, LLC (WPA), a leading online compliance solutions business. Under Girish’s leadership, WPA featured in the Inc 500/5000 fastest growing businesses for 6 consecutive years. Before WPA, Girish was a senior executive with Infosys Technologies (NASDAQ: INFY), a leading global technology and consulting services firm. Earlier in his career Girish was at Arthur Andersen, where he advised Fortune 500 corporations undertaking process and technology transformation programs.
Finrock has demonstrated its ability to acquire and integrate companies with great success, and its acquisition of BP Logix is an endorsement of our technology  innovation and business performance,” said Jay O’Brien. “Since the beginning, our mission has been to provide truly ground-breaking technologies that provide real solutions to our customer base. Now, we can look forward to continued growth as we capitalize on new markets and directions with Finrock.
Source: Press Releas of BP Logix

martes, 3 de septiembre de 2019

What BPM events can we attend in September? ¿A qué eventos de BPM podemos asistir en septiembre?

You can pay your attention to all BPM events in my BPM calendar (here) whenever you want. But I publish the list of  events in the current month the first week of every month for you as a post in my blog.

Presta atención a todos los eventos BPM en mi calendario BPM (aquí) siempre que lo desees. Pero  publico la lista de eventos del mes actual la primera semana de cada mes como una publicación en mi blog.

In september / En septiembre:

  • Virtual Event: Best Practices in Intelligent Information Management: Focus on Process Services https://bit.ly/2TptIj9
  • Webinar: Cómo crear un Centro de Excelencia de Automatización. Parte II (Helpsystems): Infraestructura y sistemas para un proyecto escalable de automatización https://bit.ly/2Ttcr8P
  • ABPMP Educational Webinar: "Business Analysis, Business Process, Business Architecture: Career Architecture for an Evolving Economy" bit.ly/2kB5LZx
  •  Webinar: Cómo crear un Centro de Excelencia de Automatización. Parte III (Helpsystems): Casos reales: Proyectos exitosos de Centros de Excelencia de Automatización https://bit.ly/2Ttcr8P
  • Webinar:  How to Build your Automation Center of Excellence (CoE) - K2 (AIIA) http://bit.ly/2ze317M
  • Webinar: Cómo modelar, ejecutar, monitorizar y optimizar procesos con AuraPortal https://bit.ly/2lHUx5w
  • Webinar: 2 Critical Factors in Making BPM & RPA Work Side-by-Side  - Nintex (PEX) http://bit.ly/2Hla4QH

Don't forget to visit all BPM events in my BPM calendar (here) to be updated about what is the next event!

¡No olvides visitar todos los eventos BPM en mi calendario (aquí) para estar actualizado sobe cuál es el siguiente evento!