Máster Universitario en Dirección de Procesos Estratégicos

Máster Universitario en BPM para la Transformación Digital

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018

Free Forrester Report: Automation Predictions for 2019

Free Forrester Report: Automation Predictions for 2019, a complimentary copy by FlowForma (normal price: $499) https://bit.ly/2zoUNdw "Automation will become the tip of the Digital Transformation spear, impacting everything from infrastructure to customers to business models". FlowForma explains that you will be able to discover Forrester's findings like how:

  • automation will drive new levels of business value
  • 10% of US jobs will be lost to automation (but 3% equivalent will be created)
  • 40% of enterprises will have automation centers and frameworks in place to help drive best practices across the organization
  • process automation has become crucial to customer experience and digital transformation
Source: FlowForma

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

Tibco Software lets us to check out the O’Reilly eBook, “Integration and the Path to Becoming a Digital Business”

Tibco Software lets us to check out the O’Reilly eBook, “Integration and the Path to Becoming a Digital Business”, which explores the concept of a digital business platform as a way of empowering individual business sectors to act on data in real time.

This eBook covers: 

  • Key cultural and organizational changes for developing business capabilities through cross-functional product teams 
  • A platform for integrating applications, data sources, business partners, clients, mobile apps, social networks, and IoT devices 
  • Creating internal API programs for building innovative edge services in low- or no-code environments 
  • Tools including integration platform as a service, application platform as a service, and integration software as a service 
  • The challenge of integrating microservices and serverless architectures Event-driven architectures for processing and reacting to events in real time
Source: TIBCO

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

¿Dónde aprender BPM en la Universidad?

Más del 66% de los puestos demandados en Gestión Por Procesos (Business Process Management-BPM) no se están cubriendo actualmente y el mercado de BPM crece a un ritmo del 18% [Robledo, 2018].  Las empresas necesitan abordar una revisión, gestión y optimización de sus procesos de negocio para responder a la necesaria Transformación Digital. La disrupción digital en todos los sectores obliga a tener en cuenta la disciplina BPM para abordar la gestión por procesos de cualquier organización que desee sobrevivir en la era digital. Por lo tanto, existe una necesidad real de formación en BPM.
En el estudio “The Forrester Wave: BPM Training and Certification Programs, Q2 2012” [Forrester, 12], Forrester resaltaba que cuando un profesional busca formación y certificación en BPM encuentra diferentes ofertas que cubren áreas específicas o están centrados en formación de fabricantes, por lo que no aseguran que se seleccione un programa de formación completo. En el estudio se comparaban siete organizaciones, entre las cuales había sólo dos universidades y cinco organizaciones privadas.  Por su parte,  Process Excellence Network (PEX), en el artículo “8 Business Process Management (BPM) training providers”,  preguntándose sobre qué proveedor de formación seleccionar, indica que  “las opciones pueden ser un poco abrumadoras y es crucial que seleccione un programa que le brinde una buena base en las habilidades que necesita para ejecutar proyectos BPM” [PEX, 2018]. PEX centra su selección a ocho organizaciones reconocidas en el sector. Resalta que “las universidades podrían ser una buena opción para aquellos que buscan un programa más intensivo en Business Process Management”.
Las universidades están proporcionando formación en BPM desde hace pocos años, debido a la demanda actual existente de capacitación certificada en esta disciplina y la posibilidad de empleo para el estudiante.  La formación proporcionada es muy variada desde ciertos cursos o seminarios (incluidos en formación de grado), cursos expertos concretos sobre BPM, másteres (títulos de postgrado) con titulación propia o reglada, y algún doctorado en BPM de forma excepcional.  Aunque PEX  indica que “el riesgo de los programas universitarios es que pueden ser más académicos de lo que requiere el proceso promedio de los profesionales” [PEX,2018], la realidad es que la formación universitaria reglada mediante una esmerada formación teórica y práctica cubre todas las competencias que necesita un profesional BPM.  Dado que Business Process Management es un campo con una gran salida profesional, la inversión en formación universitaria tendrá un importante retorno para el estudiante.

Para conocer la oferta actual, visita  en mi post de Albatian la lista de universidades que ofrecen estudios en BPM en el mundo, ordenado por tipo de titulación online o presencial.

Where to learn BPM in the University?

More than 66% of the positions demanded in Business Process Management (BPM) are not currently being covered and the BPM market grows at a rate of 18% [Robledo, 2018].  Companies need to address a review, management and optimization of their business processes to respond to the necessary Digital Transformation. The digital disruption in all sectors requires the BPM discipline to address the process management of any organization that wants to survive in the digital era. Therefore, there is a real need for training in BPM.
In the research “The Forrester Wave: BPM Training and Certification Programs, Q2 2012” [Forrester, 12], Forrester stressed that when a professional seeks training and certification in BPM, he finds different offers that cover specific areas or are focused on training of vendors, so they do not ensure that a complete training program is selected. The study compared seven organizations, among which there were only two universities and five private organizations. For its part, Process Excellence Network (PEX), in the article “8 Business Process Management (BPM) training providers”, which wonders about which training provider to select, indicates that  “the options can be a little overwhelming and it’s crucial that you select a program that gives you a good grounding in the skills you need to run BPM projects.” [PEX, 2018]. PEX focuses its selection on eight recognized organizations in the sector, highlighting that “Universities could be a good option for those looking for a more intensive program in Business Process Management.”.
The universities are providing BPM training for a few years, due to the current demand for certified training in this discipline and the possibility of employment for the student. The training provided is very varied from certain courses or seminars (included in undergraduate training), specific expert courses on BPM, master's degrees with own or regulated degree, and some doctorate in BPM exceptionally. Although PEX indicates that “the risk with university programs is that they might be more academic than the average process professional requires” [PEX,2018], the reality is that the regulated university education through a careful theoretical and practical training covers all the skills that a professional BPM needs. Given that Business Process Management is a field with a great professional output, investment in university training will have an important return for the student.
In order to know the current offer, a list of universities that offer BPM studies in the world, ordered by type of online or face-to-face degree is provided in my post in Albatian.

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2018

What BPM events can we attend in November? ¿A qué eventos de BPM podemos asistir en noviembre?

You can pay your attention to all BPM events in my BPM calendar (here) whenever you want. But I publish the list of  events in the current month the first week of every month for you as a post in my blog.

Presta atención a todos los eventos BPM en mi calendario BPM (aquí) siempre que lo desees. Pero  publico la lista de eventos del mes actual la primera semana de cada mes como una publicación en mi blog.

In November / En noviembre:




  • Webinar: Going Digital – Strategies and Case Studies for Digitalizing the Enterprise https://bit.ly/2OXnhoH
  • Webinar: Integrated Risk and Control Management – How your BPM and GRC can benefit from one another (BOC)  https://bit.ly/2xTbZHz

  •  Webinar: Enterprise Portfolio Management with TOGAF & ArchiMate – Your basis for sustainable and company-wide Change Management (BOC) https://bit.ly/2P6WHWi


Don't forget to visit all BPM events in my BPM calendar (here) to be updated about what is the next event!

¡No olvides visitar todos los eventos BPM en mi calendario (aquí) para estar actualizado sobe cuál es el siguiente evento!