Máster Universitario en Dirección de Procesos Estratégicos

Máster Universitario en BPM para la Transformación Digital

jueves, 31 de agosto de 2023

REPORT: Everest Group "Task Mining Products PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2023"

Everest Group has published (8 of August of 2023) the report "Task Mining Products PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2023" where Everest assesses task mining technology vendors according to their market impact, vision and capabilities. Among the evaluated factors are value delivered, innovation, software performance, and others.

Task mining plays a vital role in improving operational excellence, filling the automation pipeline, and accelerating organizations’ digital transformation journeys. It offers a data-driven approach to process optimization and automation, gaining rapid traction across geographies. With diverse use cases spanning business functions and verticals, task mining proves instrumental in achieving cost savings, operational efficiencies, and elevating employee experience. Technology providers are continuously evolving, enhancing their product capabilities, features, and functionalities. To achieve success, enterprises must diligently select the right-fit task mining technology providers that suit their needs.

In this report, Everest examines 19 task mining technology providers and position them on Everest Group’s PEAK Matrix® as Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants based on their capabilities and offerings.   

LINKS of your interest 


miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2023

REPORT: The Forrester Wave™: Process Intelligence Software, Q3 2023

Forrester has published "Forrester Wave™ on Process Intelligence Software, Q3 2023" on 1st of August of 2023. Author: Bernhard Schaffrik, with Glenn O'Donnell, Renee Taylor-Huot, Min Say, Rachel Birrell 


Forrester defines process intelligence software as: "Software products that provide analytics about an organization’s processes that are operated by humans as well as implemented in IT systems. Process analytics is mainly (but not wholly) based on task and process mining capabilities. Process intelligence software helps users decide how to improve process performance".


In their 28-criterion evaluation of process intelligence software vendors, Forrester has identified the most significant ones (14) and researched, analyzed, and scored them.The evaluation criteria is grouped into three high-level categories: Current offering, Strategy and  Market presence.  


The Forrester Wave evaluation highlights Leaders, Strong Performers, Contenders, and Challengers. It’s an assessment of the top vendors in the market; it doesn’t represent the entire vendor landscape.   A Forrester Wave is a guide for buyers considering their purchasing options in a technology marketplace. To offer an equitable process for all participants, Forrester follows The Forrester Wave™ Methodology Guide to evaluate participating vendors. 

lunes, 28 de agosto de 2023

REPORT: GARTNER MAGIC QUADRANT for Robotics Process Automation 2023

Gartner ha publicado en julio (revisado el 24 de agosto) su Informe "Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation 2023" (Cuadrante Mágico sobre RPA Robotic Process Automation), realizado por los consultores Saikat Ray, Arthur Villa, Melanie Alexander, Andy Wang, Mukul Saha, Sachin Joshi.

Gartner pronostica que para 2025, el 90% de los proveedores de RPA ofrecerán automatización asistida por IA generativa.

La automatización robótica de procesos (RPA) sigue siendo un mercado de software popular para mejorar la eficiencia operativa con automatización táctica. Este Cuadrante Mágico evalúa 16 proveedores de RPA  

El estudio  Cuadrante Mágico informa sobre los principales proveedores de herramientas de RPA  en un mercado en evolución. Para ser incluido, deben haber tenido al menos 55 millones de dólares de ingresos en 2022 y crecimiento anual del 20% en 2022, entre otros requerimientos  

Gartner ha evaluado a todos los proveedores individualmente y no los ha clasificado o puntuado uno contra el otro. Como explica Gartner, la inclusión en el Cuadrante Mágico no significa necesariamente que un proveedor es capaz de satisfacer las necesidades de una organización usuaria en particular, pero puede ayudar cuando la evaluación se  está haciendo ya que la decisión dependerá de los criterios de evaluación específicos. 

El fabricante UiPath ofrece la descarga del informe en el siguiente link.

REPORT: Everest Group Process Mining Products PEAK Matrix Assessment 2023

Everest Group ha publicado su informe "Process Mining PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2023" que evalúa a 18 proveedores de Tecnología de  Process Mining  de acuerdo con su impacto en el mercado, visión y capacidades.